How Much Life Insurance?

What is your age?

Are you married?



What is your household income?

Single Income

1.5x Income

Double Income

Are you a parent?



Do you have more than one child?






How old is your youngest child?





Are you a homeowner?



Are you paying a mortgage?



How much is your mortgage?

Under $250k

$250k - $499k

$500k - $749k

Over $750k

"Your current age is a key indication of the insurance policy you will require. A person's age will influence the potential levels of their life insurance premiums."

"If you are married, any existing debts you leave behind will be passed onto your spouse and dependants. Life insurance will ensure any outstanding debts, such as mortgage repayments or a child's educational fees; will still be able to be met in the event of your death."

"The way in which your household income is earned significantly impacts how much Life Insurance you will require. If only one partner is working, they will require higher levels of Life Insurance in order to cover the entire household income in the event of the death of the policy holder."

"In the event of your death, the costs of raising your child/children will fall solely on your spouse. Taking out comprehensive life cover will ensure expenses such as school fees, clothing, activities and all the expenses related to raising a child will still be able to be met without concern."

"The number of children you have will provide a good indication of the amount of life insurance you may require. The more dependants you have will generally indicate that higher levels of life insurance cover are required."

"The age of your children will work to indicate how long your policy may potentially last. If you have very young children, your levels of cover may need to be higher to cover all expenses associated with their upbringing."

"Homes and other assets are used as indicators to estimate the levels of insurance protection you will require. If you own your own home and were to pass away unexpectedly, you may have outstanding debts which will need to be settled."

"In the event of your death, any unpaid mortgage debts will be shouldered by your spouse or parents. The amount you have left to repay on your current mortgage will be an influential factor on the recommended levels of life insurance protection on your policy."

"In the event of your death, any unpaid mortgage debts will be shouldered by your spouse or parents. The amount you have left to repay on your current mortgage will be an influential factor on the recommended levels of life insurance protection on your policy."

Life Insurance:


Total & Permanent Disablement:


Trauma Insurance:

$50,000 - $150,000

"These levels of insurance cover recommended by Lifebroker are minimum amounts only. They will provide financial protection for only the most basic level expenses in the event of your death. Should you desire a more comprehensive policy, it is advisable to apply for a policy with higher amounts of financial support."